Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My dog has issues

So this morning as Im walking out the door I realize there were paint chips in the bottom of Lola's cage. Upon further inspection I realized Lola has managed to stick her paw about 4 inches out of her cage and claw a small hole in my wall........... is it me or do I just have the dumbest dog? Why would she do that? I just dont get it.......

Aside from that I have to say this cold weather is horrible, it should be against the law to be this cold. I am freezing and Im in my office wearing a jacket! Im a floridian, this shouldnt be happening !!!!!!!!

I cant believe its almost Christmas, Im almost done shopping, just a few more things to get. I always get nervous about the kids gifts, what if they dont like them? We went to see Santa yesterday and Daicia and Shelbi ask Santa for cell phones, luckily Santa told them he doesnt "do cell phones". Yeah, like Im going to get a nine year old and cell phone, I dont care that all their friends have one, thats ridiculous.

In my last Blog I mentioned a secret, Well thats not a secret anymore, my good friend Missy is pregnant, she announced it recently,,,,,,,, I could not be happier for her and her husband, Scott. They are such wonderful people!

Well Im going to end this with a request. I know money is tight for every one, some more than others, but Im asking that you please take a second and see if you can spare maybe $10, go to the store and buy some instant potatoes, a few can of veggies, maybe a turkey if you can afford it and give it to one of the many organizations that prepare food packegs for families in need. I ate Thanksgiving dinner twice, at two different houses, then we ate again Saturday due to all the left overs, I have never had to skip a Thanksgiving or Christmas meal, I know I can spare a few dollars and it makes me feel better knowing a family in need will get to have Christmas dinner. The kind of families who need this most are people who have more than likely faced poverty year after year. Here is a link you can follow if you want more info on how to donate and what is needed most.

This is a cause that is important to me. Im not being pushy, but this is my blog and I thought it was worth mentioning.

Till Next Time, be safe and stay warm.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I'm finally doing it!!!

Guess what people, Im making a blog!!!!! I wasn't going to because I have a myspace account but really thats more for socailizing. So, for those who care to know whats going on in my head Im going to start blogging whenever I feel the need. Right now Im at work and theres not much to tell, except that life is good. Things are hard financially, but we (Jeff and I) both have jobs, we have two running vehicles, a roof over our heads, and food in our tummy. Our kids are alive and healthy and compared to a lot of other people out there we are doing ok. I got some exciting news from a special person today, I'll have to touch on that later since it is still a secret!

My 25th birthday is next Monday, I feel so much older than 25. For my birthday me and 5 close friends/ family members are going to see The New Kids On The Block, I've waited 16 years for the chance to see them in concert. Jeff wants to take all 4 kids to walmart on Saturday to let them buy me a card, thats scary, I can barely manage to keep them all in line and Im a pro, what if he loses one?

Well, since this is only the first of many blogs I will be writing, I will keep it short. Take Care